Channel: Processing Forum

Crazy Serial overhead sending to USB CDC Serial devices on Mac

I'm currently sending data to an Arduino Leo from Processing (Mac OS X Mountain Lion) over the Serial port. Here's the relevant snippet of code:for(int q=1;...

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Crop a Movie

Hi,i'm trying to crop a Movie.i searched a lot on this topic but i couldnt get an anserwer hopefully someone here can help me.I  have an ArrayList of Movies to switch between them. Playing the movies...

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Re : Paint Music Application not working properly

Well, clearly, don't use the pixels array to make the sounds, but rather use the mouseDragged event and similar user events to generate them: they happen less often, so it is more usable.

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Re : Paint Music Application not working properly

Ah, I see what you want to do after seeing the video. But clearly, the methods uses blob detection, and sets some variables, with several sine (or other) generators, driven by the detected blobs. But...

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Re : PongGame Errorcode: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 1.

glad to hear................

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Can't save PDF: "beginRaw()/endRaw() is not available with this renderer"

Hi, I searched in the forum for someone with the same problem, but with no sucess.I need to save a frame in PDF from a animation, so I used the processing.PDF library. I writed my code based on the...

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Re : Can't save PDF: "beginRaw()/endRaw() is not available with this renderer"

This post here have some related issue: http://forum.processing.org/topic/making-a-pdf-file And a working code I've got here w/ me: // http://forum.processing.org/topic/pdf-export-shapes-misaligned...

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Re : Can't save PDF: "beginRaw()/endRaw() is not available with this renderer"

It is nice to isolate the relevant code, it is nicer to make it able to be run...Anyway, when I look at the reference you link to, I see beginRaw() used only in a 3D context. Otherwise, the examples...

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Re : Paint Music Application not working properly

I know how they did it but I am doing this for paint application. Anyway thanks again PhiLho for the suggestions :) I would try to solve it and let you know ..

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Re : Paint Music Application not working properly

Well, either you try to use the user actions (the easiest, probably), or you try to detect areas of color and play a sound for each area (not for each pixel!), only every n milliseconds (to let a note...

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Re : Windows 7 embedded not playing videos in Processing but OK in Windows...

Does anyone have any ideas why this wouldn't work and what I can do to make it work?  Thank you.

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Client terminates Gnuplot

Hi,In my sketch I open Gnuplot to plot some data. I use the "-persist" parameter to make the plot window stay open until I stop the sketch. Strangely, if I have a network client that receives some data...

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Re : Paint Music Application not working properly

Exactly, the sound gets played when it detects a coloured pixel but like you are  suggesting to play sound for each area, how to do that? I mean detecting coloured area also needs pixel scanning.  

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Serial.list() extremely slow

Serial.list() is extremely slow on my computer. I already know why, it's because of the Bluetooth serial ports I have. But I can't just get rid of those because I need them.I mean it takes literally...

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Re : Paint Music Application not working properly

As I wrote, you need to do blob detection. There are some Processing libraries able to do that. No idea on the algorithm they use...

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