I am developing a project in Processing and I have now stumbled across this problem that is melting my brain. Whenever I try to set a PGraphics to fully transparent it fails:
PGgraphics with smoth() and calling background(0, 0):
It does clear the buffer, however transparent and semi-transparent pixels are draw instead using the colour used in the background function, in this case black. In my case, the white text is being drawn with a black outline around.
Following this topic https://forum.processing.org/topic/2-0xx-how-to-set-p2d-p3d-pgraphics-pixels-to-transparent-via-the-pixel-array I kind of managed to clear reset a PGraphics to transparent using noSmooth(). However as far as I understood this workaround was no need anymore as the bug was fixed.
I would be glad if anyone could shed some light on this topic. My current config are:
MacBook with OSX 10.8.4
Intel HD Graphics 4000
and Processing 2.0.1 using P3D mode.