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Re : Menu to Select the serial port.

There are numerous methods of receiving input from the user. What exactly do you have in mind?

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How to play a list of songs with minim player?

Hello,I want play a songlist with the minim player. But I don't know how can I expressed it in code.My idea is: I create an string array. In each field I save the name of the mp3 file. The minim player...

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Re : Menu to Select the serial port.

a port list with a number and select that number.Is posible?

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Re : storing each frame of a movie in an array

Here are some videos of the running sketch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWEC-RtOtUkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi7Yd7jDMPU

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Re : How to play a list of songs with minim player?

Do you have a program that plays one song, yet? If not, then that's where to start... Implementing what you have in mind is as simply as looping over the load and play code.

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Re : How to play a list of songs with minim player?


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GLSL shader help

With the release of the Processing 2.0 the integration of GLSL shaders through the PShader has sort of forced me into properly learning GLSL (not a bad thing - just a steep learning curve) but has...

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Re : How to play a list of songs with minim player?

I just solved the problem. For those who will have the same problem. Processing code (the path is only for mac users), the programm plays the songlist from desktop and shows a 8-band EQ. If you want to...

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Re : GLSL shader help

I noticed you weren't actually using a lot of variables (mouse, time). Perhaps once you do actually use them, you can include them again. For now here is an example of your adapted code that sends the...

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Re : GLSL shader help

Thank you for your help, I tried your suggestion but it still produced the same Runtime error and occasionally crashed completely. What version of OpenGL does processing 2.0 use? Could this be an issue...

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Re : GLSL shader help

What do you mean by "tried your suggestion"? Did you use my adapted code and fragment shader as posted above? Because with your posted code I got runtime errors, but with my code it runs fine on my...

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Switching from MovieMaker to GSVideo

Is there a good reference for how to convert code from the old MovieMaker code to GSVideo?Beginning with, does this library need to be imported or is it already available...?

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Getting "Null Pointer Exception" Error, can't figure out why.

Hey folks, I'm still very much a newbie at Processing––taking my first beginner class, and I'm doing this guitar tuner project using minim sounds. I get this particular Null Pointer error if I rapidly...

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Re : Getting "Null Pointer Exception" Error, can't figure out why.

I have no ideawhy do you say :         BassPlayer[0].play();    BassPlayer[0].rewind();doesn't he stop the sound because of rewind()? Does it work when you click inside the sketch?

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Re : Getting "Null Pointer Exception" Error, can't figure out why.

EDIT: The rewind is needed so that the sounds can be played again and again. I tried commenting out the rewind(); and it needs to stay in there...do you think the placement of it, however, should be...

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Re : Getting "Null Pointer Exception" Error, can't figure out why.

Does it work when you click inside the sketch? I would have thought rewind is not needed because the sound ends and play then starts it from 0 next timeSorry, I can't help you.

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Minim playing during draw()

I'm relatively new to processing and brand-new to the Minim library. I'm making a game were sound effects are played when an action happens but i cant figure out how to play sounds outside of setup ()....

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Re : Minim playing during draw()

You should take a look at the examples coming with Processing.

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Re : Mirroring a webcam in a sketch

I have a much belated response to deevaniej. I was having this same problem yesterday, and figure I might as well post my solution in case someone else stumbles across this thread.I flipped the video...

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Re : GLSL shader help

I used your code, but still ran into an error. This time it produced the error shown below. Just to help with the solving of this problem I am using a MacBook Pro early 2011 with an AMD Radeon HD 6750M...

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