Re : Trouble with P2D P3D & OPENGL
Hi GoToLoop,Thanks for the response! Yes, I can use 1.5.1 just fine, and I can use OPENGL in it without problems as well. I was hoping to use PShader, which is why I needed Processing 2 for this.
View ArticleRe : How 'beta' is v2.0 for OpenGL?
Having spent the last month or so working with Processing 2b8, I can give my own reply to the question: *very*!Essentially, don't depend on the OpenGL features in Processing 2.0. Although, the OpenGL...
View ArticleRe : OpenGL glReadPixels and PBOs
I did. The problem was something insignificant. I think I was calling something with the parameters in the wrong order. Anyway you can see the correct code here in capSend.pde....
View ArticleWant to play a sound at the end of my program... Having problem...
Hello, I want to play a siren sound at the end of my program. When the playback has finished I want to exit the program with the commands: noLoop(); exit(); My siren gets triggered with the letter 'h'...
View ArticleRe : Want to play a sound at the end of my program... Having problem...
import ddf.minim.spi.*;import ddf.minim.signals.*;import ddf.minim.*;import ddf.minim.analysis.*;import ddf.minim.ugens.*;import ddf.minim.effects.*; Minim minim;AudioSample alert;int duration; boolean...
View ArticleRe : Want to play a sound at the end of my program... Having problem...
That's useful when you do a long task. Example:import ddf.minim.spi.*;import ddf.minim.signals.*;import ddf.minim.*;import ddf.minim.analysis.*;import ddf.minim.ugens.*;import ddf.minim.effects.*;...
View ArticleRe : Want to play a sound at the end of my program... Having problem...
Thanks a lot PhiLho...
View ArticleRe : Want to play a sound at the end of my program... Having problem...
you can use this code:(change to AudioSnippet which gives you more info about its status)import ddf.minim.spi.*;import ddf.minim.signals.*;import ddf.minim.*;import ddf.minim.analysis.*;import...
View ArticlePause background music to play again later?
I'm making a game in processing that has different background music in different scenes, and am using the minim library for AudioPlayer. Currently, what I'm doing is importing/opening both audio files...
View Articlestring.getlength does not work?
hi getting an exception everytime i try to get the length of a string and I dont know how to fix this.does anybody have an idea?Heres my code:import processing.serial.*;Serial myPort; //...
View ArticleRe : string.getlength does not work?
I think you need to initialise the SerialBuffer string in first place, tryString SerialBuffer = "";in the third line of the code.that should do it.;)
View ArticleRe : Pause background music to play again later?
See the Minim JavaDoc, particularly
View ArticleRe : string.getlength does not work?
And don't use == to compare strings!Actually, perhaps you try to do:if (SerialBuffer != null) { int BufLen ... }And uninitialized string is null, not empty.NB: better use an initial lowercase letter...
View ArticleRe : string.getlength does not work?
Thank you v.k. that did the trick. :)PhiLo without the == I get an error.Replacing == with = this way: if (SerialBuffer=""){} tells me "cannot convert from String to boolean"
View ArticleRe : quick! help setting up a video array?
what is ""?is that a typo?i copied and pasted to see how your code would run but this is weird.thanks for your help!--j
View ArticleRe : quick! help setting up a video array?
Just. A test movie I used. Change for the names of yours movies :) compound movie and the others as well
View ArticleRe : quick! help setting up a video array?
ah!thats great!it does what i want it to, mostly. i have to mess a bi with mouse positioning and such.but it also freezes after i have clicked three times.i'm guessing this is because of memory drain?
View ArticleRe : quick! help setting up a video array?
Don't know, i have not played with video so much. Here it foes a little further, like 6 videos playing. But I'm not sure how to handle videoEvent() callbak properly (i guess it's wrong in the code i...
View ArticleRe : quick! help setting up a video array?
sweet! thanks for all your help!also, do you know anything about PGraphics, the processing layers library, or this thing: are plug-ins?for layering?i'm...
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