Re : ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException ERROR
I think I fixed it. The reason is that line of code is only usable when any COM port is connected and is new.
View ArticleRe : Check if Serial port is connected
Im resurrecting this thread because I am having the exact same issue and was wondering if maybe now here is a workaround. my sketch interacts with two com ports on my pc. I need to let the user know...
View ArticleSimple Serial send receive question
Im having a very hard time understanding serial communication... hopefully one of you can help me out.I need to write a function to check communication between processing and my arduino via serial.I am...
View ArticleDXF export for beginRaw and PGraphics buffer
Hi, quick question, I think:Is there a syntax to get beginRaw(DXF, "output.dxf") working with a PGraphics off-screen buffer?(I was expecting something like pg.beginRaw(DXF, "output.dxf") to work, but...
View ArticleMinim- "Unexpected token: \"
I am so ticked off. I'm trying to add audio into my game, and I was getting nothing but errors, so I made a new document and copied the text WORD FOR WORD from this website (adding my own song in) and...
View ArticleRe : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
Without posting your code, there is no way to help you...All examples of minim are available in the Processing examples, too, so no need to type them in!
View ArticleRe : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
Moved to Core Library Questions (assuming it's about the Minim version shipped with Processing).Try the Minim examples that come with Processing.Otherwise just post your code so the forum can help....
View ArticleImplement movie as background
Hi people,Im with a problem, i want put a video as background so i used the following code :Â import*;Movie myMovie;void setup(){Â size(600,1000);Â myMovie = new Movie(this,...
View ArticleRe : Implement movie as background
Moved to Core Library Questions.Try this instead:void draw() {Â Â image(myMovie, 0, 0, width, height);}
View ArticleRe : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
It's not the library that shipped with Processing. I looked it up and it said you had to use this program to play sound, so that's what I did. [snip java]import ddf.minim.*;Minim minim;AudioPlayer...
View ArticleRe : Maximum Number of Items in an Array
If you can not fix this, it may be a solution to just load the next 10 frames arount your current frame in...
View ArticleRe : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
Can you post the complete error message?I think you have a file called "music.mp3" in your data directory, right!?
View ArticleRe : Implement movie as background
thanks i puted that, however it worked when i taked off the fuction tint.. but ocurred other problem, audio is not coordinate with movie and just reproduce some part of video , than loop again from the...
View ArticleRe : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
It's not the library that shipped with Processing. I looked it up and it said you had to use this program to play sound, so that's what I did. Does this mean you have installed a more recent Minim...
View ArticleGif / How to Use the pixel of a background image on particle in movement
What i have to do to introduce a gif image associated to one ellipse ?How to use the pixels of a background imagem on particles in movement. That particles are in particle system..Sorry but im a noob...
View ArticleRe : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
Error unexpected token: [ at at at...
View ArticleRe : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
Any thoughts? This is the last thing we need done, and we can't figure it out.
View ArticleRe : Processing 2.0 - 1,000,000 points in OpenGL using Vertex Arrays
jeff_g, I tried that same code for 2.0b7 on Windows, and it rendered a plain white screen, nothing more. That is not what the 1.5.1 code shows (rotating planes). So there are no errors and it runs, but...
View ArticleRe : Maximum Number of Items in an Array
Hey guys. Unfortunately it seems like a known issue that the Serial library doesnt support 64 bit processing, so I cant send the data from my encoder and arduino to processing in 64 bit. Tim, that...
View ArticleRe : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
Just to be sure: the [snip java] and [/snip] parts must NOT be in the PDE... They are just delimiters of the code, not part of the code.
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