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minim, AudioOutput and AudioRecorder

Bonjour/Hi,I made a sketch that loads a file with an AudioSnippet,then i'am playing with it: play it, stop it, change its loop points...All works very well even by running 3 of this sketch at the same...

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Minim bug: Null Pointer Exeption

What my code does: it plays an audio file when mouse is pressed and stops when it's released. I also have an array of objects, each of which has a function that stops Minim object when a key is...

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Re : Minim bug: Null Pointer Exeption

I suppose Minim doesn't like to be stopped several times...

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Re : Creating PDF when using copy() and multiple images

I think this is what you're suggesting, in terms of declaring and loading images (see below).I compared printing one original image directly vs. running it through the sketch and printing it...

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Re : Minim bug: Null Pointer Exeption

Don't think so. It doesn't work this way too:if(keyPressed){  player.close();  noLoop();}

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Re : Creating PDF when using copy() and multiple images

Now that I clarified the issues, I think you can do something similar by creating a JAVA2D PGraphics, and doing the image() and copy()  operations on it, then you can image() it on the PDF...

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Re : Creating PDF when using copy() and multiple images

A practical example:import processing.pdf.*; PImage myImage;PImage myImage2; void setup() {  size (800, 800);  smooth();  myImage = loadImage ("H:/Temp/Tree.jpg"); // I just use absolute paths because...

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Re : Minim bug: Null Pointer Exeption

Well, you still call player.close() several times.I don't see why you do that, anyway. Why the class must have the responsibility to stop the player?

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Re : Making dots bigger recognizing volume or pitch of the voice (mic)

Please do not double post. You have a already posted the exact same code multiple times. I've removed the duplicate thread without answers, because it has non-descriptive title (but on the positive...

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Saving high resolution frames from serial input

Hello,I have a little doubt and tried a lot of permutation combination but couldnt arrive at what i want. I basically want all my frames to be recorded in a high resolution pdf for printing.Following...

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Re : Saving high resolution frames from serial input

I suppose you have read http://processing.org/reference/libraries/pdf/index.htmlIt explains how to skip to a new page.

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Re : Saving high resolution frames from serial input

Hello,Thanks for the reply.I did try, but there seems to be an error in the pdf file, it doesnt open.I tried putting the code in a way you told me earlier, but i am still facing the following...

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Re : Minim bug: Null Pointer Exeption

I've already fixed that in my original code, but I'm still curious! I can't see, why it's being called several times. There's noLoop() right after it, so I suppose that it can't do anything after that...

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Re : textAlign(RIGHT) problem with PDF export at small pt sizes

I see.You can see the error at 8 pt quite easily. Ended up just needing normal columns so used a design package. Bit of a shame if you wanted to do anything more jazzy though.Thanks anywayP

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Re : Creating PDF when using copy() and multiple images

That works! I'll have to see how it looks printed, but that does generate the pdf. I also just noticed that an alternative to using processing.pdf to generate the image is to use save(). [a version of...

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Re : Making dots bigger recognizing volume or pitch of the voice (mic)

Help me~~~Please~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TmT

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Re : Making dots bigger recognizing volume or pitch of the voice (mic)

I already did. Have you looked at the examples from the Minim library? For example GetLineIn.

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Re : Saving high resolution frames from serial input

I don't have a serial device, so I make a keyPressed() trigger instead of a serial event.I fixed some errors, and have a decent behavior. Perhaps you want a different one, but the base is here.import...

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Re : Minim bug: Null Pointer Exeption

You have an explicit loop over all the instances of your classes, so you call terminate() for each of these instances. The noLoop() stops calling draw() repetitively, but doesn't stop for loops!

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Re : Creating PDF when using copy() and multiple images

If you use save(), use the PNG format: image file will be bigger but it will be of higher quality (no Jpeg compression artifacts).

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