Re : PGraphics transparency
To start with a sidenote, in your code example you are not using textLayer.clear(); on the initial textLayer (this is relevant because PGraphics don't start out transparent). More importantly, I have...
View ArticleExport CSV data to Excel in Separate Columns
Hello,I'm attempting to export serial data to Excel into different columns. Right now, my code allows for all the data to be exported as a .csv file into Excel with all data in the A Column; however,...
View ArticleRe : Export CSV data to Excel in Separate Columns
Changed topic type to question.Moved to core library section.Please read:
View ArticleRe : PGraphics transparency
Hey Amnon,I kind of reached a similar conclusion, however, the problem is when I try to use an image with different tones of transparency and PShape, please use ball.png as texture for the PShape...
View ArticleRe : PGraphics transparency
When I replace the textLayer PGraphics in my test code as posted above with the ball.png you provided, then I get the top result with options 3 and 4 and I get the bottom result with option 2. I think...
View ArticleRe : PGraphics transparency
Thanks Amnon, I really appreciate you taking the time to shed some light on this topic. I will look into writing a custom shader.
View ArticleHaving problems with states in my code
Hi, im designing a game at the moment and i have created several different states for differing pages in the game. As outlined at the bottom. The problem I'm having at the moment is when i click on a...
View ArticleRe : Having problems with states in my code
Changed topic type to question.Moved to core library questions, because your code requires a core library to run.See:
View ArticleRe : Having problems with states in my code
hello! In draw() use if..... else if ..... Else if Or use switch(state) Greetings, Chrisir If you need an answer, please send me a personal message since this forum doesn't notify.
View and lock file issues
I'm not the first to post similar issues, but I've found no relief from existing solutions.I'm getting a variety of serial comm issues, but most of them seem to revolve around...
View ArticleSketch stopped working in Processing 2.0.1
Apologies if I've posted this in the wrong place but I thought I should mention it.I have been using Processing 1.n.n for a year or so to read data from a Junsi Celllog 8S (a cheap and cheerful battery...
View ArticleRe : Play a random audio file / invoke a function on a random object of a class
Hi, I am a total newbie and have tried a few ways (//as you can see) to get these random files to play back when mousePressed but to no avail. This is the closest post I have found to what I am trying...
View ArticleRe : Play a random audio file / invoke a function on a random object of a class
By the way, I have a MacBook Pro on Snow leopard with Processing 2.01 and am working in Javascript mode if that helps. I have also got the minim api in another tab. When I run the sketch I just get a...
View ArticleRe : Sketch stopped working in Processing 2.0.1
Can you show any code? How are you reading from the device? Is this (data reading) the only problem since when you moved to 2.0.1 ? Without code and output examples it's hard to understand what exactly...
View ArticleRe : Sketch stopped working in Processing 2.0.1
Good of you to respond. Here is the code I was using just to see whether I could read the raw data:import processing.serial.*; String textValue = "";Serial cellLogPort; // [3] on the port list (Com...
View ArticleDetect silence while recording audio.
Hi,I've just discovered Processing and I really like it. I've been playing around with the minim library and I would like now to write an application.I'd like to write an "auto-loop" application. It...
View ArticleRe : Multiple Files triggering Minim
Hi Catherine,I finally used OSC to communicate with Max/MSP and built a seperate standalone application to do the DSP. It is quite reliable and fast method. It seems processing is very weak in terms of...
View ArticleRe : Open() dont work!
I just don't understand why these lines: String acc =sketchPath+"/chrome/"; println(acc); open(acc);would open a mail...
View ArticleRe : the constructor UGen.UGenInput() is unidentified
What is the relation with Minim? Is it a class from this library? If not, what is this class?
View ArticleRe : Multiple Files triggering Minim
There was a recent thread on this limitation, which appeared not to come from Minim, but from the OS (Mac), as the corresponding number of audio channels was kept opened, or something like that. You...
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