Yah, I think you're right. I tried everything available in Acrobat Pro and could not reveal the font. Ah well. Too bad. I am now trying out pycairo. It is much more of a PITA to install and write scripts for, but it has a much more mature, well-documented PDF output module. It does embed subsets of system fonts only, which is undesirable for sending to a service provider. I found a simple workaround for this. pycairo can also output to a PS (postscript) file that can be converted in GhostView (GhostScript GUI) to PDF. I set EmbedAllFonts to true and SubsetFonts to false and the PDF now contains full embedded fonts. Great.
Re : No font in exported PDF
Re : Calendar class related error in latest Processing 2.0b7
I had the same problem.
PROCESSING 2.0b7 (REV 0215) - 7 December 2012 475,382 bug fixes in this release as we work on finalizing 2.0. [ changes ] + Removed all imports that aren't covered in the Processing reference. If you use java.awt, java.util, or other classes in your sketch, you will need to add an import line to the beginning of your sketch.
Put this line on top of the program
- import java.util.Calendar;
then get busy
Just learn to be a bit more disciplined. Are you really hungry? If so think about what you eat... something small and sugary or ‘empty calories’ will not be filling and will have you hungry again very quickly. If you are searching for food through boredom then get busy – look for something to do, not something to eat!
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Re : How to port old PGraphicsOpenGL code to Processing 2 alpha - Additive Blending
For the blending problem, you should be able to replace the opengl calls with blendMode(ADD). This is a new function added in Processing which sets screen blending with OpenGL under P2D and P3D for most of the blending modes supported by blend.
Enclosing the drawing calls for your semi-transparent geometry between hint(DISABLE_DEPTH_MASK) / hint(ENABLE_DEPTH_MASK) could help to minimize artifacts due to the lack of depth-sorting.
About the noise that appears momentarily when the sketch starts, this is an acknowledged issue.
Re : [2.0xx] How to set multiple render targets for a fragment shader?
I think that GLES 2.0 doesn't support multiple render targets. On the other hand, OpenGL desktop does support MRT (by writing to gl_FragData[0], gl_FragData[1], etc in the fragment shader), and the FrameBuffer class in the opengl renderer does allow you to attach several textures to an FBO. However the functionality is not used by the P2D/P3D renderers. You could enable it by subclassing your own renderer from PGraphicsOpenGL and overriding the initOffscreen() method and adding all the necessary code to attach textures to the color attachement points after 0.
Color tracking. How to detect colors clashing?
I'm working on a game as part of a school assignment, the basics is that it's a fighting game in real life. What I need to do is track two colors (or possibly more but two will do for now) and I need to have an image appear on screen when two colors collide or clash (when their x and y coordinates are the same basically). I have been away from programming for a couple of years and could use some help with this.
I'm using the following code from the "Learning Processing" book to track colors, which works fine but I have no clue how to add this last part that I described above.
CODE: http://www.learningprocessing.com/examples/chapter-16/example-16-11/
Any help is appriciated!
Trying to compile two sketches on one
So, I am new to processing and I am trying to do a sketch that uses the webcam to take a picture and within that image sample color from a specified area (pixel). What I did was make two sketches separately: one that takes the picture and saves it, and a second one that takes the saved picture and samples color from the specified area.
Now what i want to do is compile it into one sketch...
This is the one that captures the image and saves it
I would really appreciate any help that i can get from you guys
Now what i want to do is compile it into one sketch...
This is the one that captures the image and saves it
And this is the one that samples the color
* Getting Started with Capture.
* Reading and displaying an image from an attached Capture device.
import processing.video.*;
Capture cam;
void setup() {
size(640, 480, P2D);
String[] cameras = Capture.list();
if (cameras.length == 0) {
println("There are no cameras available for capture.");
} else {
println("Available cameras:");
for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) {
// The camera can be initialized directly using an element
// from the array returned by list():
cam = new Capture(this, cameras[0]);
void draw() {
if (cam.available() == true) {
image(cam, 0, 0);
// The following does the same, and is faster when just drawing the image
// without any additional resizing, transformations, or tint.
//set(0, 0, cam);
void keyPressed() {
if (key == ' ')
/**I have saved the sketches in different folders of the same name of the sketch and the pictures are saved in one folder up from the sketches in a pics folder
* Pixel Array.
* Click and drag the mouse up and down to control the signal and
* press and hold any key to see the current pixel being read.
* This program sequentially reads the color of every pixel of an image
* and displays this color to fill the window.
// The next line is needed if running in JavaScript Mode with Processing.js
/* @pjs preload="sea.jpg"; */
PImage img;
int direction = 0;
float signal;
void setup() {
size(640, 480);
void draw() {
img = loadImage("../pics/1.jpg");
if (signal > img.width*img.height-1 || signal < 0) {
direction = direction * -1;
if (mousePressed) {
int mx = constrain(mouseX, 0, img.width-1);
int my = constrain(mouseY, 0, img.height-1);
signal = my*img.width + mx;
} else {
signal += 0.33*direction;
int sx = int(signal) % img.width;
int sy = int(signal) / img.width;
if (keyPressed) {
set(0, 0, img); // fast way to draw an image
point(sx, sy);
rect(sx - 5, sy - 5, 10, 10);
} else {
color c = img.get(sx, sy);
I would really appreciate any help that i can get from you guys
Re : Trying to compile two sketches on one
Don't call loadImage() in draw()!
Actually, don;t call loadImage() at all.
There is no need to save the file to disk while merging the two sketches.
Actually, don;t call loadImage() at all.
There is no need to save the file to disk while merging the two sketches.
You can create a PImage from the camera directly:
img = cam.get();
Re : Color tracking. How to detect colors clashing?
So your process should be:
Draw the camera's image.
Scan the image for the pixels that are the best match to the first and second colors.
Draw the camera's image.
Scan the image for the pixels that are the best match to the first and second colors.
Record their X and Y positions. (Hint: X1, Y1, X2, Y2.)
Determine the distance between those two points. (Hint: Use the dist() function!)
If the distance is small, (Hint: If( dist( X1, Y1, X2, Y2 ) < someValue ){ )
Then draw something near them (Hint: imageMode(CENTER); image( theImage, X1+X2/2.0, Y1+Y2/2.0); )
If the distance is small, (Hint: If( dist( X1, Y1, X2, Y2 ) < someValue ){ )
Then draw something near them (Hint: imageMode(CENTER); image( theImage, X1+X2/2.0, Y1+Y2/2.0); )
That should get you started!
Remember: You don't have to scan the image TWICE! Just ONCE, remembering TWO different "best matching" points.
Remember: You don't have to scan the image TWICE! Just ONCE, remembering TWO different "best matching" points.
Re : [2.0xx] How to set multiple render targets for a fragment shader?
Thanks for your response andres. I gave this a shot. However when I try to use the FrameBuffer class, I'm running into visibility issues for it's methods, fields and constructors. Is there a way around this or am I handling this in the wrong way perhaps?
- import processing.opengl.PGraphics3D;
- import processing.opengl.FrameBuffer;
- import processing.opengl.Texture;
- public class PGraphicsCustom extends PGraphics3D {
- public PGraphicsCustom() {
- super();
- }
- public void initOffscreen() {
- super.initOffscreen();
- // Error message: "The method release() from the type FrameBuffer is not visible"
- // offscreenFramebuffer.release();
- // Error message: "The constructor FrameBuffer(...) is not visible"
- // offscreenFramebuffer = new FrameBuffer(parent, texture.glWidth, texture.glHeight,
- 1, 2, 0, 0, false, false);
- Texture[] multiTex = new Texture[2];
- // Error message: "The field FrameBuffer.numColorBuffers is not visible"
- // offscreenFramebuffer.numColorBuffers = 2;
- // Error message: "Wrong number of textures to set the color buffers."
- // offscreenFramebuffer.setColorBuffers(multiTex);
- }
- }
Re : Trying to compile two sketches on one
I couldn't follow what you were suggesting me before, so i tried something different and it is more simple now...
So I was advancing a little on the idea. No I have other problem. I need the sample color data to go to a text file (colors.txt) in a single line everytime I press SPACE (take a picture) so I use the output.println to add the hex data color to the text file but it only works once per session.
So my question is how can I make the println value to overwrite the last value?
Or, how I add a single line of the println to the text file?
* Getting Started with Capture.
* Reading and displaying an image from an attached Capture device.
PImage img;
PrintWriter output;
import processing.video.*;
Capture cam;
void setup() {
size(640, 480, P2D);
output = createWriter("colors.txt");
String[] cameras = Capture.list();
if (cameras.length == 0) {
println("There are no cameras available for capture.");
else {
println("Available cameras:");
for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) {
// The camera can be initialized directly using an element
// from the array returned by list():
cam = new Capture(this, cameras[0]);
void draw() {
if (cam.available() == true) {
image(cam, 0, 0);
// The following does the same, and is faster when just drawing the image
// without any additional resizing, transformations, or tint.
//set(0, 0, cam);
img = loadImage("../pics/1.jpg");
color cp = img.get(320, 360);
rect(30, 20, 55, 55);
println(hex(cp, 6));
output.println(hex(cp, 6));
void keyPressed() {
if (key == ' ')
I couldn't follow what you were suggesting me before, so i tried something different and it is more simple now...
So I was advancing a little on the idea. No I have other problem. I need the sample color data to go to a text file (colors.txt) in a single line everytime I press SPACE (take a picture) so I use the output.println to add the hex data color to the text file but it only works once per session.
So my question is how can I make the println value to overwrite the last value?
Or, how I add a single line of the println to the text file?
* Getting Started with Capture.
* Reading and displaying an image from an attached Capture device.
PImage img;
PrintWriter output;
import processing.video.*;
Capture cam;
void setup() {
size(640, 480, P2D);
output = createWriter("colors.txt");
String[] cameras = Capture.list();
if (cameras.length == 0) {
println("There are no cameras available for capture.");
else {
println("Available cameras:");
for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) {
// The camera can be initialized directly using an element
// from the array returned by list():
cam = new Capture(this, cameras[0]);
void draw() {
if (cam.available() == true) {
image(cam, 0, 0);
// The following does the same, and is faster when just drawing the image
// without any additional resizing, transformations, or tint.
//set(0, 0, cam);
img = loadImage("../pics/1.jpg");
color cp = img.get(320, 360);
rect(30, 20, 55, 55);
println(hex(cp, 6));
output.println(hex(cp, 6));
void keyPressed() {
if (key == ' ')
Re : Trying to compile two sketches on one
As tfguy44 said, avoid loading the image in draw(), because accessing such file 60 times per second isn't necessary / useful, it can only slow down your sketch.
You can load it in setup(), even more as img is already a global variable.
I see you save this image (in the same location? not sure...) on keyPressed(), so you might need to reload it at the same time (although I fail to see why you go through a file, something like PImage.copy() or PImage.get() can do the same thing faster).
I am not too sure of what you want to do: keep an history of the colors? Only keep the latest?
In the second case, a simple saveStrings() can do the job too.
You can load it in setup(), even more as img is already a global variable.
I see you save this image (in the same location? not sure...) on keyPressed(), so you might need to reload it at the same time (although I fail to see why you go through a file, something like PImage.copy() or PImage.get() can do the same thing faster).
I am not too sure of what you want to do: keep an history of the colors? Only keep the latest?
In the second case, a simple saveStrings() can do the job too.
Controlling Video
Hello I am about to undertake a project using Processing and it involves controlling a video using keys on a keyboard.
Initially, the 'Frames' example caught my eye..
and I want to be able to control my video using numbers 1 to 5...
'1' Pauses the video (and a pause symbol appears in the middle)
When paused, by pressing '1' again, it continues to play it.
'2' stop the video.
Holding '3' rewinds it.
and Holding '4' fast-forwards the video.
If it helps I am using version 2.0b3
Could anybody please help me to get started as I am new to Processing and I am finding it hard, but I am eager to learn as I find it very interesting seeing what can be created.
Thank you
Minim - AudioOutput - how do you know the song is done ?
Hi there,
I'm new on Processing and Minim and i was looking at the ADSR example in UGEN (Minim BETA) to help me for my project and I don't understand how you can know when the song played is done playing ?
I've been looking for some time now in the Javadoc and can't find an answer.
I have to use the AudioOutput object (I use the playNote() method).
Can anyone help me with this ?
Thx a lot !
I'm new on Processing and Minim and i was looking at the ADSR example in UGEN (Minim BETA) to help me for my project and I don't understand how you can know when the song played is done playing ?
I've been looking for some time now in the Javadoc and can't find an answer.
I have to use the AudioOutput object (I use the playNote() method).
Can anyone help me with this ?
Thx a lot !
enough to leave
propelled her to global recognition, Malala was targeted in Pakistan by Taliban gunmen for speaking out in favor of education for Pakistani girls. She was left with life-threatening head and neck wounds.
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Chelsea vs Southampton live stream
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Processing audio player customization?
Hey people,
I am new to all this processing stuff (not familiar with all the fancy terms yet) but have a quick question. I am using the following code to match music played with processing to control PWMs on my arduino. Unfortunately the music player that opens if very simple. I can't play/pause the music or fast forward/rewind. Just curious if there is anything to add that might add some more features to the music player?
Edit: I forgot to mention that I am using processing 1.5.1 for this. No other version will work with this stuff.
//processing code for communicating with arduino using
//Firmata library.
//In the arduino I've uploaded the StandardFirmata sketch.
//this program blink 5 leds in pins 3,5,6,9,10
//detecting music rythm
//Code by Damiano Andreghetti
//Example song: No time to stop - Luca Guardigli
//For more information visit www.ilblogdidami.blogspot.com
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.signals.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.effects.*; //Import ddf.minim library
import processing.serial.*; //Import serial library
import cc.arduino.*; //Import Arduino library
Arduino arduino;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer song;
FFT fft;
//I create the objects
//To play another song change the song_file value
String song_file = "mag3.mp3";
int xmax = 600; //window width
int ymax = 300;//window height
void setup()
size(xmax, ymax);
minim = new Minim(this);
arduino = new Arduino(this, "COM5", 57600);
song = minim.loadFile(song_file);
fft = new FFT(song.bufferSize(), song.sampleRate());
// in this function I create the minim object, I start
//communicating with Arduino,I load the song and I play it and
// I start the Fast Fourier Transofrm
void draw()
stroke(127, 255, 0, 200); //I set the color of my lines
for(int i = 10; i < fft.specSize(); i++){
line(i, height-30, i, height - (30+fft.getFreq(i*10)));
// I create lines that represent the amplitude
// of each frequency.
text("Min Freq", 10, height-10);
text("Max Freq", fft.specSize(), height-10);
ledcontrol(); //I call the function for the arduino
void ledcontrol(){
//In this function I use arduino analogWrite function
// to write in PWM pins the amplitude
// of five general frequency
// arduino.analogWrite(6, gate(120,100));
//arduino.analogWrite(5, gate(80,80));
arduino.analogWrite(3, gate(120,100));
//arduino.analogWrite(5, int(fft.getFreq(60)));
// arduino.analogWrite(6, int(fft.getFreq(220)));
// arduino.analogWrite(3, gate(64,200));
// arduino.analogWrite(6, gate(300,100));
// arduino.analogWrite(3, gate(220,100));
// arduino.analogWrite(5, gate(120,100));
// arduino.analogWrite(3, int(fft.getFreq(220)));
// arduino.analogWrite(3, int(fft.getFreq(1000)));
// arduino.analogWrite(6, int(fft.getFreq(600)));
// arduino.analogWrite(5, int(fft.getFreq(1000)));
int gate(int i, int j)
return 255;
return 0;
Re : Processing audio player customization?
there actually is
(just look here: http://code.compartmental.net/minim/javadoc/ in AudioPlayer)
for example:
player.cue(int millis) which can be used to cue back to 0 or any desired position.
if hooked up to the controlP5 gui slider for example you can then even slide through your track like in any other player.
i always had big problems here with syncronisation, as it wont do this imediatly and sometime after a pause, new cue, and play, it would play a last snipplet from the old cue and then continue with the new, which is rather annoying.
So if you find a good way here, I'd be happy to know.
Where is my PDF?
OK, I fully realize I must be doing something extremely stupid and yes, I've looked through this forum for an answer but...
When I copy and run a simple demo program on Windows 7 using the vanilla download of Processing 2.0b7, namely:
import processing.pdf.*;
void setup() {
size(400, 400, PDF, "testfile.pdf"); }
void draw() {
// Draw something good here
line(0, 0, width/2, height);
// Exit the program
println("Finished."); exit(); }
I get no errors, 'Finished' is printed but there's no pdf. What am I doing wrong?
Re : Where is my PDF?
Resulting .pdf is rendered in the same folder as the source .pde.
Use CTRL+K to open the folder where current .pde is in.
Use CTRL+K to open the folder where current .pde is in.
Re : Where is my PDF?
Because I was just pasting an example without saving, there was no .pde folder created. 'Save' and the problem is solved.
Many thanks.