Re : ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException ERROR
Re : Check if Serial port is connected
Simple Serial send receive question
Im having a very hard time understanding serial communication... hopefully one of you can help me out.
I need to write a function to check communication between processing and my arduino via serial.
I am sending the a stream of character "A" from processing to arduino
when Arduino sees an 'A' then it sends a character 'B' back to processing
when processing sees that 'B' then it sends the character 'C' back to arduino
this is done for this reason:
stream of A's sent 1/4 sec apart to allow arduino time in case its not yet ready to receive
once the arduino is receiving data it gets that A and replies with a B to let processing know its online and receiving
processing reads that B then sends arduino a C to let it know it can now proceed to the void loop() function and start streaming the actual sensor data
BTW im using an arduino micro so like Leonardo it uses Serial and Serial1....Serial1 is used to receive data from elsewhere but doesn't apply to this section of the sketch. likewise on the processing end there are two serial connections established but only myport is used to communicate to this arduino so myport2 is not applicable either...the robot() class is used elsewhere also but since it has a delay feature I dropped it into this part of the sketch to only send data every 1/4 second so it doesn't fill up the buffer too fast waiting for arduino to respond....If besides the solution you have a better approach to achieve this please let me know... I am making this stuff up as I go ad don't really know the most efficient way to accomplish this....thnkx
My programs look like this:
char ch;
int R;
int L;
int comFlag=0; //0=waiting for initial request to connect from PC
//1= request received...sending confirmation to PC
//2=confirmation acknowledged by PC ready to proceed into main loop()
void setup()
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
if (Serial.available()) {// wait for data from pc
ch=(char); //if data is available read it
if(ch=='A' && comFlag==0){
Serial.println("B");//Send 'A' character back to pc to acknowledge that it received the data
comFlag=1;//flag to let us know that we are ready for stage two of connection verification process
if (ch=='C' && comFlag==1){ //check to see if data in = 'C'
void loop() // run over and over
The processing end looks like this:
import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.AWTException;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import processing.serial.*;
import guicomponents.*;
Serial myPort;
Serial myPort2;
Robot robby;
char message;
void setup() {
size(267, 366);
robby = new Robot();
catch (AWTException e)
println("Robot class not supported by your system!");
println(" Connecting to -> " + Serial.list()[portIndex]);
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[portIndex], 19200);
String portName = Serial.list()[1];
myPort2 = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
robby.mouseMove(xx, yy);
String[] files;
while (message!='B') {//Write 'A' to serial port until a reply is received
int message =;
println("Waiting for connection");
void draw(){
nothing happening on the monitor
I type an A
it returns a B
I type a C
Sensor data starts to stream....
But when I try to do it through another sketch (in processing)
I see on the processing monitor area:
Waiting for connection
Waiting for connection
Waiting for connection
Waiting for connection
Waiting for connection
So its probably not being received the right way
I don't think its a processing issue but I am pretty sure its just my basic understanding of serial communication that's off...
When I send data through a println("A");
am I sending a character
When I receive using ch=(char) do I get a character to compare (if(ch=='A'))
I might be comparing apples to oranges....
DXF export for beginRaw and PGraphics buffer
Is there a syntax to get beginRaw(DXF, "output.dxf") working with a PGraphics off-screen buffer?
(I was expecting something like pg.beginRaw(DXF, "output.dxf") to work, but no go....)
Appreciate any suggestions!
Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
AND, it just keeps telling me "unexpected token: \" and that's not even in this script. I give up.
Re : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
Re : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
Try the Minim examples that come with Processing.
Otherwise just post your code so the forum can help. We're not psychic you know.

Implement movie as background
Re : Implement movie as background
Try this instead:
- void draw() {
- image(myMovie, 0, 0, width, height);
- }
Re : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
Re : Maximum Number of Items in an Array
Re : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
Re : Implement movie as background
Re : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
Does this mean you have installed a more recent Minim version from it's website? If so, have you removed the Minim version that comes with Processing, as the website you link to instructs? Otherwise multiple versions of Minim may cause problems.It's not the library that shipped with Processing. I looked it up and it said you had to use this program to play sound, so that's what I did.
Note by the way, that the (older) Minim library that comes with Processing is perfectly fine for playing sounds and includes the code sample you posted.
Gif / How to Use the pixel of a background image on particle in movement
Re : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
Re : Minim- "Unexpected token: \"
Re : Processing 2.0 - 1,000,000 points in OpenGL using Vertex Arrays