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Refresh displayed text based on condition?

Hi everyone, I've only just started using Processing today so i'm a bit stumped on this..

I'm trying to display whether a user is online or offline by using text(). I have two different methods, either one printing based on a condition, but when that condition changes, the text does not. I'm getting a readout in the console so I know that the condition statement is switching, but the displayed text isn't..

Here's the code - you can find the text methods towards the end of draw()

  1. import processing.serial.*;
  2. Serial port;
  3. PFont f;

  4. void setup() {
  5.   size(640, 360);
  6.   port = new Serial(this, "COM3", 9600);
  7.   port.bufferUntil('\n');
  8.   f = createFont("Arial",16,true);
  9. }

  10. void draw() {
  11.   background(0);
  13.   int i=0;
  14.   int temp=-1;
  15.   int lastLogin = 0, lastLogout = 0;

  16.   String[] lines = loadStrings("C:/McMyAdmin/Minecraft/plugins/BeardStat/stats.yml");
  18.   println("there are " + lines.length + " lines");
  20.   String searchLogin = "stats-lastlogin";
  21.   while(i < lines.length){
  22.     int index = lines[i].indexOf(searchLogin);
  23.     if(index >= 0){
  24.       String sub1 = lines[i].substring(index+17);
  25.       //println(sub1);
  26.       lastLogin = int(sub1);
  27.     }
  28.     i++;
  29.   }
  31.   i=0;
  33.   String searchLogout = "stats-lastlogout";
  34.   while(i < lines.length){
  35.     int index = lines[i].indexOf(searchLogout);
  36.     if(index >= 0){
  37.       String sub2 = lines[i].substring(index+18);
  38.       //println(sub2);
  39.       lastLogout = int(sub2);
  40.     }
  41.     i++;
  42.   }
  44.   textFont(f,16);
  45.   fill(255);
  47.   if(lastLogin < lastLogout){
  48.     println("User is logged out.");
  49.     port.write(0);
  50.     text("User is logged out.", 10, height/2);
  51.   } else {
  52.     println("User is logged in.");
  53.     port.write(1);
  54.     text("User is logged in.", 10, height/2);
  55.   }
  57.   myDelay(5000);
  58. }

  59. void myDelay(int ms){
  60.   try{    
  61.     Thread.sleep(ms);
  62.   }
  63.   catch(Exception e){}
  64. }

EDIT - I have not noticed that if I leave it run for a while, the text does eventually update, but not instantly. The console messages do change instantly though, so it it something to do with loading the text?

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