Channel: Processing Forum
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Re : How do I make the white square stay over the webcam?

ops late...:)I could not run your code... the order you draw stuff is the order they appear so if you draw your rect after the img(cam,0,0) it will be drawn over the cam image. As for a trail you might...

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Re : Serial Library and Arduino

 Bracket the myPort.writes with println commands. Then give it shot.For example:println("SA " + millis());myPort.write(arr.);println("EA " + millis());println("SB " +...

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Re : serial problem in reading a string

For what it is worth, here is some information that hopefully will help. Keep in mind I'm just a hack. I do remember how frustrating this was at first, especially before the Ardunio IDE had a serial...

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Re : Cant get my processing sketch to wait for a response from the arduino

I don't think you need to wait for the Ardunio in your code. In just glancing at the code (Forgive me but you did not explain what you really are trying to do, so I am lazy.) it looks like you are...

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Re : Help with Serial read

There are some examples posted to one of the other serial/ardunio questions that might help.

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Re : High resolution frames from an animation

Hey PhiLho,Thanks a lot for your help!Everything's working fine now.

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Re : Cant get my processing sketch to wait for a response from the arduino

Ok so to clarify.The data produced by the sketch is used to move a plotter. they way i am building it, the processing sketch needs to send ONE number (ascii between 0 and 9) , wait for the arduino to...

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Re : frameRate() can crash 2.0b7

Thanks, also note the inconsistency with what is reported for framerate vs visual.  It reports 60fps for me, but 60fps should be very smooth.  So why is it jerky if it is running at 60fps?  It seems...

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Re : Serial Library and Arduino

Sketch:import processing.serial.*;Serial myPort;byte arr[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};void setup() {  size(400, 600);  myPort = new Serial(this, "/dev/tty.HC-05-DevB", 57600);  while (true)  {...

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Creating Complex Shapes

I've been playing around with Minim, and used it to create a visualiser however I'd like it to look a lot more interesting.I found this: https://vimeo.com/24133373Although I've found tutorials on...

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Re : Cant get my processing sketch to wait for a response from the arduino

I personally like using the SerialCommand ( Stefan Rado / Steven Cogswell) on the Arduino side to handle the incoming Processing commands which you structure to look like <command> <data>...

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Re : serial problem in reading a string

Hi...thanks for your reply.it is very useful for methanx once again...........

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Refresh displayed text based on condition?

Hi everyone, I've only just started using Processing today so i'm a bit stumped on this..I'm trying to display whether a user is online or offline by using text(). I have two different methods, either...

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Re : Creating Complex Shapes

Diana placed some of her audio-reactive sketches on openprocessing. Take a look:http://openprocessing.org/user/5969

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Re : Creating Complex Shapes

Thanks, just found it. :)I think from the looks of her earlier work, each band is given a point circle and these join with the points nearby to them.I need to work out how to make these point shapes...

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Re : Creating Complex Shapes

See: http://processing.org/learning/books/Especially...Generative Art by Matt PearsonGenerative Design by Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Gross, Julia Laub and Claudius Lazzeroni

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Re : Creating Complex Shapes

Cheers, I'll check them out.Just withdrew Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists.

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Re : Refresh displayed text based on condition?

I think println is done instantly by processing while the screen (so text() as well) is only updated once at the end of draw()since your delay that's only after 5 secondsdraw() itself runs 60 times per...

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Re : Different shaders for geometry, lines and text?

I have give it a try in Processing's new version, 2.0b8, using the #define in each shader code and changing the names:Color shader:#define PROCESSING_COLOR_SHADERvarying vec4 vertColor;uniform float...

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Adding PShape vertex dynamically

Is there any way to add and remove vertices from a PShape dynamically?

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