since nobody answers, let me make a comment
I don't have serial and so on, but afaik you can just call perspective(); to use the standard
Both perspectives seem to work parallel within draw()
And I gave the line of the waveform a z-value.
In my example you see both waveform and cube.
Hope this helps.
Greetings, Chrisir

- //
- //import fullscreen.*;
- //import processing.serial.*;
- import ddf.minim.*;
- import ddf.minim.effects.*;
- Minim minim;
- AudioPlayer player;
- BandPass bpf;
- //FullScreen fs;
- //Serial port;
- String X_data = "";
- String Y_data = "";
- String data = "";
- int index= 0;
- int x = 0;
- int y = 220;
- void setup()
- {
- size(1300, 700, P3D);
- minim = new Minim(this);
- String audioFile = selectInput();
- //fs = new FullScreen(this);
- ///fs.enter();
- //port = new Serial(this, "COM3", 9600);
- // port.bufferUntil('.');
- player = minim.loadFile(audioFile);
- player.loop();
- bpf = new BandPass(440, 20, player.sampleRate());
- player.addEffect(bpf);
- //smooth();
- }
- void draw()
- {
- lights();
- background(0);
- //
- //graph *********************************************************
- //camera();
- perspective();
- stroke(255);
- for (int i = 0; i < player.right.size()-1; i++)
- {
- float x1 = map(i, 0, player.bufferSize(), 0, width);
- float x2 = map(i+1, 0, player.bufferSize(), 0, width);
- //line(x1, height/4 - player.left.get(i)*50, x1, height/4 - player.left.get(i+1)*50);
- line(x1, 3*height/4 - player.right.get(i)*50, -550.0,
- x2, 3*height/4 - player.right.get(i+1)*50, -550.0 );
- }
- // map the blob position to the range [100, 10000], an arbitrary range of passBand frequencies
- float passBand = map(x, 0, width, 100, 2000);
- bpf.setFreq(passBand);
- float bandWidth = map(y, 0, height, 50, 500);
- bpf.setBandWidth(bandWidth);
- // prints the new values of the coefficients in the console
- bpf.printCoeff();
- //translation of cube *************************************************************
- float cameraY = height/2.0;
- float fov = y/float(width) * PI/2;
- float cameraZ = cameraY / tan(fov / 2.0);
- float aspect = float(width)/float(height);
- perspective(fov, aspect, cameraZ/10.0, cameraZ*10.0);
- translate(width/2+30, height/2, 0);
- rotateX(-PI/6);
- rotateY(PI/3 + x/float(height) * PI);
- stroke(255, 0, 8, 60);
- strokeWeight(3);
- noFill();
- box(45);
- translate(0, 0, -50);
- }
- //void serialEvent (Serial port)
- //{
- // data = port.readStringUntil('.');
- // data = data.substring(0, data.length() - 1);
- //
- // index = data.indexOf(",");
- //
- // X_data = data.substring(0, index);
- // X_data = trim(X_data);
- // x = int(X_data);
- //
- // Y_data = data.substring(index+1, data.length());
- // Y_data = trim(Y_data);
- // y = int(Y_data);
- //}
- void stop()
- {
- player.close();
- minim.stop();
- super.stop();
- }