need to address
Second, Malians who are fleeing fighting in the north must be allowed to enter the south of the country unmolested. There are already alarming reports of jihadist groups keeping civilians from leaving...
View ArticleRe : No font in exported PDF
That's what I tried... (except I just put the TTF font in the data folder).Aha, looking at my sketch, I see I made a beginner's error: I had the textFont() call before the beginRecord()! Moving it...
View ArticleError opengl without using opengl?
I use Processing: Version 2.0b7I have always this error:OpenGL error 1280 at bot beginDraw(): invalid enumerantthis is my simple code:void setup() { size(400, 300, P3D);}Can you help me please?thank you.
View ArticleJava Error in processing Mac OS X 10.7.5
Hello, I'm trying to interface with an Ardunio using the serial library and am getting this errorRXTX Warning: Removing stale lock file. /var/lock/ Unknown...
View ArticleRe : Processing 2.06 OpenGL error I don't understand
i have the same problem. I try to run a processing code from eclipse. i receive this execption. i have installed the new version on ubuntu 11.10. Can help me somebody?...
View ArticleRe : Processing 2.06 OpenGL error I don't understand
Hi, you can find a list of controlP5 versions that work with the various/previous releases of processing including 2.0b6 and 2.0b7, have a look here
View ArticleNo library found for com.sun.opengl.util
After updating to processing 2.0b7 I get :"No library found for com.sun.opengl.util" - The package "com.sun.opengl" does not exist, . (MacOSX 10.8.2, Nvidia GeForce GT 650M 1024MB, Java 1.7)And its...
View ArticleAdding sound to this counter
I have this counter, its pretty simple. But i'm wanting to add an mp3 I have playing over the top on repeat? Do I look at minim?PFont myFont = createFont( "Helvetica-Light", 120);void setup(){...
View ArticleString to number, serial port?
I want Processing to get a number from a website and send it via the serial port to Arduino. When I get the data from the internet I use a string which gives a number. I want to compare this number...
View ArticleRe : No library found for com.sun.opengl.util
Hint: when you have such error, it can be useful to search for the package name in the Processing site...For example, I found back an old thread:...
View ArticleRe : Adding sound to this counter
Everytime I add the Minim library and type in the code. It comes up with a blank grey screen and doesn't stalls my macbook. This is the code? I guess its wrong? Any help would be most appreciated....
View ArticleSwapping out Video Files
HelloI have created a program that loads multiple instances of the same video. On playback it copies a vertical section of each video to the stage at the correct position (8 sections), essentially...
View ArticleRe : No library found for com.sun.opengl.util
Thanks PhiLho, but I started my search with this thread..
View ArticleRe : Swapping out Video Files
Just in case anyone has any similar problems I seem to have solved this by stopping (movie.stop()) all the movies before initiating the new ones.//called via selectInput() when new video file is...
View Articlesmooth values (minim FFT)
HI,I'd like to understand how can I smooth values: in particular FFT values. I'm using Minim library for a reactive video with music. For example, checking the console with println(fft.getBand(1), I...
View ArticleWhile trying to merge an audio example with an open file dialogue -> I get...
Hi I have found this audio-pde at I have no clue on how to learn about audio-filters elsewhere, I am trying to learn from that code, by editing...
View ArticleRe : While trying to merge an audio example with an open file dialogue -> I...
You can try and remove the P2D parameter from the size() call. At least, it would remove OpenGL from the equation...
View ArticleRe : While trying to merge an audio example with an open file dialogue -> I...
I woul also move the size() method call to be the first instruction in the setup method. Also which version of Processing are you using since the selectInput in V2 is very different from the...
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