Where do I find reference to frame. properties
Where do I find reference to frame. propertiesMy search here does not show anything usefulThanks
View ArticleRe : Where do I find reference to frame. properties
Found some info in the wiki, under windows.Still missing info on what can be used with frame.xxxx
View ArticleRe : Where do I find reference to frame. properties
That's not in Processing itself, it is a java.awt.Frame object actually.
View ArticleAdding background music that autostarts with application
I am trying to add background music that auto-starts when i run the processing sketch i followed a simple instruction online and i added codes at line 6 , 26, 27,40,46 ,48, and from 75 to 82 but i...
View ArticleRe : Serial readString problem
void serialEvent(Serial s){ String datastring = s.readString(); if(datastring.contains("data:")){ print("found data"); } print(datastring); print(datastring.length());...
View Articleaudio file as input
Hi,I'm wondering how to use a .wav/mp3 file as an input, for example replacing the mouse input in this example: processing-2.0b7\modes\java\examples\Basics\Input\Mouse2DI could work at 5 fps and sample...
View Articlerendering to video file
Hi,Related to this post http://forum.processing.org/topic/audio-file-as-input I am trying to create a "music video" with processing, but my computer can only display this at 7 fps:...
View ArticleRe : rendering to video file
Usual way is to save each frame as an image file, then to use the Movie Maker tool (or another external tool, like ffmpeg) to transform this sequence of images to a movie. Audio can be added as well.
View Articleproblem with minim
Hello! I have a problem with minim library, and I' m just on my very first steps on learning it. I use the quickstart guide here: http://code.compartmental.net/tools/minim/quickstart/ , to learn how to...
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"and showing the line that I load my file"Well, show it yourself, so we can see what was wrong. Perhaps you have put a Windows path in it, or something."I have installed and moved the library in the...
View ArticleRe : problem with minim
import ddf.minim.*;Minim minim; AudioPlayer song;void setup() { size(100, 100); minim = new Minim(this); // below is the problem line song = minim.loadFile(“dog.wav”); song.play(); }void draw() {...
View ArticleRe : rendering to video file
Good thing it wont be an hour long - is there a nice programmatic way to save each frame as it plays back?
View ArticleRe : audio file as input
do you know the library minim ?http://forum.processing.org/topic/visualising-sound#25080000001675259
View ArticleRe : problem with minim
Funny, lot of people do the same error recently. Probably a copy & paste error from some word processor.Anyway, you have curvy double quotes, instead of the straight one used in...
View ArticleRe : problem with minim
oh! I couldn't ever found it! It's just how I read it from the site! Thank you very much!
View ArticleglViewport is acting strange on latest version of processing 2b7 and version...
In Processing 1.5 I can do something like this:void draw() { gl = ((PGraphicsOpenGL) g).gl; gl.glEnable(gl.GL_SCISSOR_TEST); gl.glEnable(gl.GL_BLEND); //Render left viewport...
View ArticleupdatePixels method for Capture object
Hi all,I am very new to processing and even more to Object Oriented Programming so probably the answer to the question is quite simple but is a conceptual one and I´d better ask.I am doing some type of...
View Articlearray of audio files - failed
Hi! I am trying to create an array of 6 audio files, in order to use them random, when mouse is clicked on an image. Here is code: import ddf.minim.*;Minim minim;AudioPlayer song1;AudioPlayer...
View ArticleRe : array of audio files - failed
Change this and similar lines fromtest[0] = Minim.loadFile("dog.wav");totest[0] = minim.loadFile("dog.wav");In the first Minim is the name of a class so this is called a 'static refrence' in the second...
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