PDF Export on mousePressed?
Hi, I'm new to Processing and programing in general. My apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere, but I couldn't find what I needed in the reference or other forums. I have a basic program that...
View ArticleRe : Adding PShape vertex dynamically
no, currently there is no way to add/remove vertices from a PShape object.
View ArticlePlay a sound while bouncing
Hi! I have this code and and want that when the red ball bounces upon the white line (that follows mouseY) plays a sound. But what I got is that the sound is played one time after another...
View ArticleRe : Different shaders for geometry, lines and text?
You have to specify the LINE type when calling shader(), it might sound superflous but the reason was to being able to do something like:shader(pointSh, POINT);shader(lineSh, LINE);shader(texSh); //...
View ArticleRe : Different shaders for geometry, lines and text?
Thanks again andrés, now it's working.
View ArticleRe : PDF Export on mousePressed?
"it seems that I need to start recording before the draw function even runs to capture the results"Exactly. Or, more accurately, you need to record before starting the drawing operations that must be...
View ArticleProblem with opengl
Hi..I tried to play movie in processing 2.0b7 using opengl library but it gives me error.Please don't suggest me for processing1.5 becuase i need to play a movie when a face is detected and i am doing...
View ArticleRe : Play a sound while bouncing
can't you use sonidoRojo.loop(0);?http://code.compartmental.net/minim/examples/Playable/loopNum/loopNum.pde
View ArticleRe : Cant get my processing sketch to wait for a response from the arduino
There are three different examples presented in a response to "serial problem in reading a string" for Ardunio to Processing communication schemes. Maybe they can help. You have an interesting project....
View ArticleRe : PDF Export on mousePressed?
Thanks. My non-elegant solution was to remove the ### from the PDF file name, so that each time setup is called, it overwrites the previous PDF. Then if I have a draw cycle I want to keep, I simply...
View ArticleRe : Serial data is limited to signed 8-bit data???
One of the worst Java's implementation decisions -> signed byte primitive data-type! Only primitive data-type which is unsigned is char, but it's 16 bits! While C's 8 bits. You can also use 16-bit...
View ArticleRe : Serial data is limited to signed 8-bit data???
Hi Matt,Im not sure this is really what you are getting at here, I haven't worked with RS232 or really much in the way of serial data, but I did have an opportunity to work on a project that dealt with...
View ArticleRe : Problem with opengl
Hi Ja_Ha,We're going to need more info from you, to start, some code showing how you get this error would be good. Also what platform are you on? What format is the video in?thanks,ak
View ArticleRe : Problem with opengl
Looking at the error I think you are trying to use the GLGraphics library with a Processing 2.0 beta. Am I right?If so, the bad news is you can't do this because the GLGraphics library is NOT...
View ArticleRe : Serial data is limited to signed 8-bit data???
>> One of the worst Java's implementation decisions -> signed byte primitive data-type!Thanks for the reply. I didn't want to say it cause I'm new to the forum and to Java but I was...
View ArticlePlease Use Tools- Fix the Serial Library??
I am not sure how to solve this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am a little new to processing but I could not find this problem in the forums. Find your Arduino in the list below,...
View ArticleMultiple Files triggering Minim
Hi, i am trying to playback many audio files with Minim SamplePlayer but I cannot get anything after 32th sampleAny solutions?Also do you think it is good idea to to work with JUST processing or...
View ArticleRe : Video Capture: Resolutions and Settings
Did you get this resolved? I'm looking into trying the same thing soon.Thanks!Bryce
View ArticleRe : Please Use Tools- Fix the Serial Library??
In Serial.list()[0], replace [0] with [1], [2] or other, depending on the real device you use (from the displayed list).
View ArticleRe : Multiple Files triggering Minim
Changed topic type to Question, since you ask one. And moved from Programming Question, since the question is specialized.Perhaps there is a built-in limitation in Minim (32 is a suspiciously round (in...
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