Channel: Processing Forum
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Re : Minim - electric guitar tuner

Would also like to find out abou this!

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Re : RFID and Video

I am working on a similar project. I got my video to play with my RFID tag but it's extremely choppy and does not continue playing (only audio) when I remove the tag. I used a piece of your code in...

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How to generate a simple waveform of an entire sound file?

I've been searching for a while now, and all I find is fancy visualizations, but I need to generate a simple waveform like this.Is there any code examples of how to do something like this?I'm not...

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Re : How to generate a simple waveform of an entire sound file?

I figured out how to do it to some extent, but it would take me forever as I have to do +20 soundfiles of +5 mins as it requires the song to be playing. Is there a way to do it without playing the...

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Re : Serial communication processing.

Have you looked at all the Serial library examples shipped with Processing?

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Re : RFID and Video

philomax, if you start to play the movie each time a tag is read, and if you need such tag to be read to display one image of the movie, you are indeed in trouble.You should call play() only once, the...

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Re : Serial communication processing.

Thank you, there was a problem with the COM port.

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Re : How to generate a simple waveform of an entire sound file?

I got there in the end, here's a code dump if anybody ever needs itIt's based on one of the Minim samples/**  * This sketch demonstrates two ways to accomplish offline (non-realtime) analysis of an...

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Re : How to generate a simple waveform of an entire sound file?

This is exactly what i was looking for.Maybe im missing something but when i run your code it cannot find anything named 'Arrays'      Arrays.fill(fftSamples, chunkSize, fftSamples.length - 1, 0.0 );is...

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Re : How to generate a simple waveform of an entire sound file?

which version of processing do you use?seems like you're missing an import https://forum.processing.org/topic/array-fill-in-processing-2-0b7I'm tweaking up the code so I'll give you a better version...

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Re : RFID and Video

Thanks both of yous for your input.PhiLho, I'm a bit confused as to what philomax's code is. Could you possibly write out the code you were talking about please.Cheers.

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What is the error ??( server- client connection)

I am doing my programming assignment, but got failure during the connection.Can anyone help me to figured it out?Server program:import processing.video.*;  // Necessary for webcamimport...

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Re : What is the error ??( server- client connection)

Client Program:import processing.video.*;      // Necessary for webcamimport processing.net.*;        // Necessary for data communicationint stageNum = 0;Capture img;PImage imgLocal;PImage...

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Re : Minim .get() never gets two times the same result when you run again the...

hi,I am new to minim and this problem. But this is my idea.get reads the current buffer.This buffer is probably filled differently always since all computers and system situations are different...

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nested switch, nested if

Hello!I am on my way to making a game that prompt user to move a particular alphabet letter to a particular position for a particular sound to play and game to start. Until the player drag the right...

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Re : nested switch, nested if

I think you should make a smaller code which demonstrates the problem, and maybe without all those images /sounds that we have to create.

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strokeWeight() and stroke() not working on PDF creation

Just a quick issue about PDF creation.If you run the code below you will get 2 PDF files, one which is actually what you see on screen (lines on different weight and color) and another one which is not...

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Re : nested switch, nested if

well I'm stuck at level 1…it says click s to play sound- which I did but it says "wrong"…you may have several problems.

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Re : nested switch, nested if

Moved thread and removed duplicates.Please read: https://forum.processing.org/topic/where-to-place-threads-and-other-forum-practices

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Re : RFID and Video

I think the last part of his sketch should be:boolean playingMovie;void draw() {  if (playingMovie) {     image(myVids[0],0,0);  }  text(tagID, width/4, height/2 - 24);}void serialEvent(Serial...

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