Re : What is the error ??( server- client connection)
"got failure during the connection"That's not very explicit...
View ArticleRe : strokeWeight() and stroke() not working on PDF creation
When you create a PGraphics, you have to specify explicitly all operations that must happen on this graphics:pdf.strokeWeight(i);pdf.stroke(10*i);and so on.
View ArticleRe : strokeWeight() and stroke() not working on PDF creation
Right... I missed that XDMany thanks PhiLho.
View ArticleRe : Minim .get() never gets two times the same result when you run again the...
Hmmm yes I was thinking the same, since there is a pattern, but kind of an offset each time you run the sketch... The smoother the sketch (the computer) is running the more accurate it is, so not...
View ArticleRe : Minim .get() never gets two times the same result when you run again the...
so you just can average that. I disagreeDid you try to put it all in an array or ArrayLIst and save that and analyze that? I should always look the same. (not tested)void draw() {for(int i = 0; i <...
View ArticleRe : How to generate a simple waveform of an entire sound file?
which version of processing do you use?seems like you're missing an import'm tweaking up the code so I'll give you a better version...
View ArticleRe : Minim .get() never gets two times the same result when you run again the...
should always look the same I agree with you, it should, but it doesn't.Check the code bellow.It generates a 2D list with the values: first dimension is the buffer size and the second one is the time...
View ArticleOPENGL and Capture not working - reading pixels[] returns false results...
Hi,Using the Capture class and the standard renderer does work together.If i want to use OpenGL/P2D for drawing for speed benefits, I appear to only be able to capture black, not the actual image from...
View ArticleRe : OPENGL and Capture not working - reading pixels[] returns false results...
RESOLVEDI found my mistake, i forgotimg.loadPixels();after if (cam.available() == true) { background(125);; img = cam;Now it works with either renderer :)
View ArticleHow to get an If to work with audioinput?
Hello there! (Also I'am sorry if I posted this in the wrong section.)I'am new to processing and new to coding in general and I decided to attempt to get an image to appear when the microphone detects a...
View ArticleRe : How to get an If to work with audioinput?
I don't know Minim enough to answer, but indeed, currently you just display the image when the loop index reaches a given value, which happen always...Side note: as said in the Reference, put size() at...
View ArticleRe : How to get an If to work with audioinput?
Thank you for your reply. Yeah I must find a way to make the image only appear when called on when the program detects sound with the microphone.Maybe a webcam would be easier to use? Hmm..
View ArticleSetVertex is memory increasing until crash
This example is increasing the memory until crash, I need to do something more? somebody can help me?thank you!PShape s;void setup() { size(100, 100, P2D); s = createShape(); s.beginShape();...
View ArticleRe : How to get an If to work with audioinput?
Never mind I solved it!import ddf.minim.spi.*;import ddf.minim.signals.*;import ddf.minim.*;import ddf.minim.analysis.*;import ddf.minim.ugens.*;import ddf.minim.effects.*;Minim minim;AudioInput...
View ArticleRe : quick! help setting up a video array?
thanks guys. someone else suggested OPENGL in the place of P2D, but its not doing any better.i will keep trying. and look into the image sequence codes. maybe i just need to drastically shrink the...
View ArticleCan I embed some mathematical functions I have created into a library to be...
I have created a few functions that return values, like the functions cos(), random(), round(), etc. Can I embed these into a library so that any of my programs can use them?
View Articlemake FFT from data acquired using Arduino
Hi all,I use an acoustic doppler sensor (PING) to measure distance.What I want to do is:-- pass from displacement to velocity-- make the FFT of the velocity to analyse the components.At the moment, I...
View ArticleRe : Exceptionally slow 2.0 video movie.jump() performance on Mac OS 10.8
i got the same problem... have you found a solution?
View Articleproblem in fire effect with webcam motion detection
I am using the sketch below, which creates a fire effect on motion detection when using a webcam. The problem is, I am trying to be able to see the live feed instead of black image and background. I...
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