Re : How do I send data to only one client (using the network library)?...
Wow! Thank you so much dimkir, it works perfectly! You're the best! I thought for sure I was screwed, I had no idea you could do clientName.write() in the server program!Also thanks for contributing...
View Articletransparency of objects in 3D Space
Hello,I have a problem with simple 3D Objects like 'box' or 'sphere' that I put into a 3D scene with either OPENGL or P3D enabled. When I use 'fill' to colorize the objects and add a value for...
View Articlexml retrieval
Hello processOrs.I'm new to processing but I already have figured out most of the basic concepts.I'm currently trying to make an interface to visualize the data in that...
View ArticleRe : xml retrieval
At I give an example to get data from an URL needing a user agent: some servers prefer to...
View Articlevideo sequencer with mixing
Hi,I need to receive a random one video mixed with another when it ends. One to another transition by level mixing. I do not understand how to make the mixing depended the duration video.and how to...
View Articlerxtx problem.
Hello. I have got problem which serial port.My errorWARNING: RXTX Version mismatch Jar version = RXTX-2.2pre1 native lib Version = RXTX-2.2pre2...
View ArticleRe : xml retrieval
OK, after some reverse engineering, trial and error, and sweat, I got it working:import*; Client client;int step = 0; void setup(){ size(200, 200); frameRate(5); step = 1;} void...
View Articlemotion detection (or sound detection) question
Hi,I'm new in Processing.In this project I would like to make the myMovie2 ("") appear only when there is movement (or sound).I only put if (mousePressed) { to check if the code was correct....
View Articlecreating a server and a client
Hi,I'm trying to use the library to create a server and a client. I then want to run the client on the web and allow multiple clients from to connect to the server from separate devices...
View ArticleRe : creating a server and a client
when I to exported it and put it on the web it doesn't work If you exported your server into JavaScript mode, it wouldn't work, as* libraries only work in Java mode.If you exported your...
View ArticleSerial communication
Hi, I am a beginner of Processing.I use both Arduino and Processing.I try to send the data collecting by Arduino to Processing with the serial communication.However, when I use the serial...
View ArticleRe : motion detection (or sound detection) question
Try using mousePressed() (the function) instead of mousePressed (the boolean), with a global boolean indicating the event happened.
View ArticleRe : receiving OpenGL error msg
Are you still having this problem? you should post the code, maybe are you using processing 2 or an earlier version? Could be a problem with that
View ArticleDelay in capture
I try capturing images from a webcam by using Capture. However, whenever I read a frame, the frame is always between 50 and 200ms delayed.For example, if I capture a projection (generated by...
View ArticleRe : Delay in capture
in the sketch, where you call how do you know that frame was delayed 50-200ms? If you would be capturing and just outputting frames straight to screen you wouldn't notice (with your naked...
View Articleas quick to shoot the documentary down
Liam was quick to shoot the documentary down on Twitter after rumours that members of the 'Larry Shippers' fanbase - who fantasize about Harry and Louis having a secret romance and 'shipping' them...
View Articleits research revealed that workers
Workers in property, the media, utilities and leisure also took pride in their sectors, while accountants, nurses and those in retail had below-average pride, a survey of more than 2,000 workers...
View ArticleProblem sensing microphone
Hi, I´m using the Minim library to use the microphone of my mac computer, I want to play my violin and sensing the sound (with this microphone) then I want to convert the frecuency in midi notes to...
View ArticleRe : Problem sensing microphone
Ask questions once, not three times. I'll delete the other two
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