Re : Problem sensing microphone
Does anyone knows some method to calibrate? Or what happened? Thanks and I'll appreciate it
View ArticlePApplet.shape() NullPointer Exception
I am creating a project in Eclipse and am using git for version control.I am building off of Shiffman's ParticleSystem code. On one version of my project my display function runs: public void...
View ArticleRe : PApplet.shape() NullPointer Exception
Looks like a problem with the texture you use, perhaps it isn't loaded correctly.
View ArticleVideo playback + display image when finished
Hey guys,Im new to processing and loving it. Just a quick question, here's what I'm trying to do:Play a short video clip, after the playback I want to display a random image between 1-10 (eventually i...
View ArticleRe : Video playback + display image when finished
I'm a noob, but maybe this will help.You need an event that tells your program the video has finished playing. Maybe myMovie.available() will return false if there is no more movie to read?if...
View ArticleRe : Video playback + display image when finished
muchos gracias.. well i got it to work partially, so to say :)i like it how it looks, now the image kind of flickers on top of the video, which is not bad either. But I still need to figure out how to...
View ArticleRe : Video playback + display image when finished
Good!If I were you I'd tidy up your code a bit! Add some brackets to that else and if, it will make it easier to read and spot errors.if (myMovie.available()) {;} else {...
View ArticleRe : Video playback + display image when finished
Thanks for the answer,i try to tidy it up, that flickering is happening while the movie is still playing
View ArticleRe : Video playback + display image when finished
Cool, it seems that available isn't the right event.We also have two other methods on the movie class that might be of use:time()Returns location of playback head in units of secondsduration()Returns...
View ArticleRe : Detecting that a movie clip has finished playing
Late to this, and I'm sure you have solved it now, but in case not, maybe this?if (myMovie.time() == myMovie.duration()) { //movie must be finished}
View ArticlePShape: Getting style information
Am I correct in thinking there is no way to get access to style information contained in PShape objects? Looking at PShape and PShapeSVG (links below) as a way to import data, but without access to...
View ArticleRe : Flip the Video Capture on the X axis
Assuming that your sketch width is same as the video frame/image width. This should flip the image horizontally (i.e. Mirror). pushMatrix(); scale(-1,1); image(webcam.get(),-width,0); popMatrix();
View ArticleSorting TableRow in Table
Is there an easy way to sort TableRow classes by specifying a column index(int) or title (String)? Or should I create a new class which implements Comparable? StringLit, IntList, FloatList do sorting...
View ArticleExport application problem - Using video library
Hello all,I coded a LightPainting sketch for educationnal use, with the core video library. The result is basic but not so bad.The problem cames when I wanted to export application (for windows). Files...
View ArticleRe : transparency of objects in 3D Space
I have found an explanation here
View ArticleWorking with a video frame in memory
What is the "correct" way to grab a frame from a video or a camera stream and do some pixel analysis in memory WITHOUT displaying it? All of the examples I have come across blit it to the screen before...
View ArticleLightPainting
Hello all,I tried to code a LightPainting sketch for educational use. I don't need a superb result but something basic and, if possible, fun.My current code display some "splash" during the record....
View ArticleRe : Problem with alpha on Procesing 2.02 with P2D and P3D modes
Yes, there is an alpha bug in 2.0.2.And it has been filed. And it has been fixed.Use the repo build or 2.0.3 once it arrives or 2.0.1 until then.
View ArticleRe : Manipulate pixels from Capture image
The correct answer (I've since found) is to use the get() method. To get the pixel data for a frame of video, you assign a PImage instance to captureReference.get(), which returns an image. To get...
View ArticleRe : Problem with alpha on Procesing 2.02 with P2D and P3D modes
Thank you Amnon!Do you have a link of where I can download the repo build? I searched here: but I confess I'm not very familiar with gitHub so I couldn't find it....Thank...
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