Serial.list() question
Is it possible to use Serial.list() for something other than printing to screen?I have two serial devices that need to connect to my processing sketch. Is there a way to check for the two serial ports...
View Articlesave a single frame from Webcam
Not sure why I am having a difficult time finding this out. I just need to save a webcam frame to my desktop.
View ArticleRe : XMLElement Problem in Processing 2.0b7
Perhaps add this line at the start of your sketch:import;You rightfully posted in the Core Library section, and these libraries need an explicit import.Note that the...
View ArticleRe : issue with integer division of zero padded integers
Funny, because you used exactly the digits making it work (in some cases, you will get a compilation error!).Java inherited from the C language a bizarre syntax: we can specify number in octal...
View ArticleRe : Serial.list() question
"for something other than printing to screen?"Well, usually, I see it used to get the names of the ports to open...I don't know Serial enough to answer the other question.
View ArticleRe : XMLElement Problem in Processing 2.0b7
XMLElement should not be used anymore, use XML instead!Have a look at the reference v2.0.
View ArticleRe : issue with integer division of zero padded integers
@PhiLhoThank you for your answer; I should have thought of octal notation but was doing something totally different, whence my surprise.cheers,
View ArticleRe : XMLElement Problem in Processing 2.0b7
Thanks PhiLho for your help but the new Processing 2.0b7 don't have any XMLElement class.
View ArticleRe : Do you know whether it is possible or not to put minim and video...
Ok, your attempts show improvement. So that's good! Some suggestions:Set the number of objects in the array.Initialize the array in setup (this was causing your null pointer exception).Everything...
View ArticleRe : Processing 2 and OpenGL Frame Buffer Objects (FBO)
Thanks andres for fixing this. I would love to read a tutorial about FBOs in Processing :)
View ArticleHow to reset a PGraphics ?
Hello !I would like to animate something inside a PGraphics (with a transparent background) but I don't find any way to reset totally a PGraphics instance. I would like to apply a transparentBackground...
View ArticleRe : How to reset a PGraphics ?
This can already be done, both in Processing 1.5.1. and 2.0b7 with the line: pg.background(0, 0); // where pg is the PGraphics instance
View ArticleRe : Serial.list() question
That how in using it in my sketch it gets the list of serial ports and displays them but ideally if like to be able to use it to check is com ports are active before I go and try to access a port that...
View ArticleRe : How to reset a PGraphics ?
Oh my God ! It works !Thanks a lot !I 'm so happy !Youhou !!!
View ArticleRe : How to reset a PGraphics ?
Actually it works as expected when there is something already drawn inside the PGraphics, but it send me an error message when I apply a 'background(0,0)' directly after creating the PGraphics.It's not...
View ArticleRe : Do you know whether it is possible or not to put minim and video...
Thank you very much!!Someday I really want to help you if there is any chance kkWith your adapted code, I made this- applying the First code to pixels on the (P)Image-It is...import ddf.minim.*;import...
View ArticlePGL getting started
Hello everyone,I want to get start using OPENGL in P5.I am not sure how to start it and I can't find any tutorial on thesubject. I want to start drawing a gradiant traingle so I found this forJOGL....
View ArticleRe : PGL getting started
For Processing 2.0xx there have been many changes, so I don't know. Even the example on the wiki seems to work no longer. So only andres knows. For Processing 1.5.1 that would be:import...
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