simple OPENGL, worked in 1.51, doesn't work anymore....
hello all, this is a simple OPENGL-code, it worked in 1.51, doesn't work anymore....can anyone help? Thank you!Chrisir // imports ---------------------------------------------------//import...
View ArticleRe : simple OPENGL, worked in 1.51, doesn't work anymore....
or let me reframe the question: how can I texture a sphere and let it look like it's rolling? Thank you!
View ArticleHow to use a fragment shader on a PGraphics in Processing 2.0xx?
So far I've only gotten the filter(shader) method to work as a post-processing filter on the whole window. While the syntax pgraphics.filter(shader) is allowed, it doesn't seem to work. The method...
View ArticleRe : How to reset a PGraphics ?
No need for begin/endShape, only begin/endDraw are necessary to draw on a PGraphics.
View ArticleCalendar class related error in latest Processing 2.0b7
I'm testing the code "M_1_6_01_TOOL" from the book Generative Design, and the latest Processing 2.0b7 will give me error related to the Calendar class, but the code run smoothly in 2.0b6source...
View ArticleRe : Calendar class related error in latest Processing 2.0b7
See several similar threads on the forum (just search 2.0b7), and when you upgrade, it is often a good idea to read the changelist...
View ArticleRe : 2.x PGraphics thread crash
thanks for the info. I opened an enhancement request in the issue tracker about this problem.
View ArticleRe : How to use a fragment shader on a PGraphics in Processing 2.0xx?
The filer(PShader) function should work with a PGraphics surface, as long as it is created as P2D or P3D:PShader edges;boolean applyFilter = true;PGraphics pg;void setup() { size(640, 360, P3D);...
View ArticleRe : simple OPENGL, worked in 1.51, doesn't work anymore....
I know there are approaches with double for loops to redo the Sphere-Command and make y sphere from rectangles and texture them somehow....but that 's too slow.the approach above used to work in...
View ArticleRe : How to use a fragment shader on a PGraphics in Processing 2.0xx?
Thank you andres. It works! I also see now where the error was in my test code. I called pg.filter(shader) outside beginDraw-endDraw.Now that you have shown how to apply it correctly, it works fine.
View ArticleRe : simple OPENGL, worked in 1.51, doesn't work anymore....
View ArticleColor Tracking with Multiple Cameras
I have trying to get two USB cameras to track a specific color. This is going to be used for hand tracking, tip of a finger colored to track. The two cameras is to get three dimensional output, to...
View ArticleAmplifying a certaing part of a visualization
Hi all (and merry christmas),I need help. Ive built a heartbeat sensor in Arduino and am now trying to visualize it in Processing. Below is an image of the Arduino input being visualized in Processing:...
View ArticleRe : Processing 2.0 - 1,000,000 points in OpenGL using Vertex Arrays
What was missing in the code I posted before is the copy of the Processing projection and modelview matrices to the corresponding matrices in OpenGL:import;import...
View ArticleRe : Color Tracking with Multiple Cameras
Well I managed to fix the error and organize the code in to functions, but now when I run the program I just get a black screen. I had the USB cameras plugged in and on before running the code and I am...
View Article2.0b7 Skybox - not working
Trying to create a skybox in the new 2.0x build. Here is the code, translated from 1.5, but it's not working. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? Here is zip of the sketch, which includes...
View ArticleRe : 2.0b7 Skybox - not working
Figured it out... wish this was somehow automatically included in Processing. Have to load the matrix (not sure if it is in each draw or just once in the setup). As described by Andres:You have to do...
View ArticleRe : Processing 2.0 - 1,000,000 points in OpenGL using Vertex Arrays
Thanks Andres, this looks like it fixed a few sketches for me. Is there anything we can do to simplify this - a new call to load this that is compatible? Does the matrix need to be loaded once, or is...
View ArticleRe : Processing 2.0 - 1,000,000 points in OpenGL using Vertex Arrays
You should load the matrices every time you change them: for example, if you call perspective() or ortho(), then you have to load the projection matrix. If you use camera() or any geometric...
View ArticleRe : Processing 2.0 - 1,000,000 points in OpenGL using Vertex Arrays
Ok, so has a shader already been written for Processing that is called when these are used? If so, is it public where I could call it as oppose to doing my own. If not, doesn't Processing need it?...
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