Re : PShape bug?
OpenGL is a 3D technology. Now, in the 2.0 line, P2D uses OpenGL, so the output shouldn't be that different.I am guessing (not being a specialist of OpenGL) that P2D uses some special OpenGL settings...
View ArticleHow to handle incoming data from Arduino
I am trying to learn how to use Processing and multiple pots connected to an Arduino. There are lots of examples using one pot, but when there are several pots connected and data is streaming into the...
View ArticleRe : Capture 2 pictures of users and display both of the picture on screen
hello, have if (key==1){in keyPressed()and if (key=='7'){in draw()I would recommend to have it all in keyPressed() - better use keyReleased instead of keyPressed() Since you want to have...
View ArticleRe : pixels[] array works in 2D but not 3D?
hello,I can't really help you, but I have a few questions. could you post your working 2D code please? I didn't even know you could use pixels with a movie. Does myMovie.pixels contain the whole Movie...
View ArticleCannot for the life of me mirror the output images in this code
I am just trying to mirror the images in this looped stopmotion. I tried using scale(-1,1), but it is not working for me, either it does nothing or the output is a black screen. Anyone know what I can...
View ArticleRe : Cannot for the life of me mirror the output images in this code
Take a look at my Bouncing Angry Bird example tweaked version from: using scale(-1, 1); you have to use the negative of the...
View ArticlePGraphics3D, ignore alpha channel information when rendering to screen
Hi, I guess this question is for Andres. Is it possible to update a PGraphics (P2D, P3D) element so that the alpha channel information is ignored and the element is rendered fully opaque (I have tried...
View ArticleRe : PGraphics3D, ignore alpha channel information when rendering to screen
Perhaps, if you use function set() instead of image(), you may get an opaque result.
View ArticleRe : PGraphics3D, ignore alpha channel information when rendering to screen
When you use bitshifting and the pixel array directly, it doesn't seem to greatly impact the fps.Code Example// Tested with Processing 2.0b8PGraphics pg; void setup() { size(500, 500, P2D); pg =...
View ArticleRe : PGraphics3D, ignore alpha channel information when rendering to screen
Thanks GoToLoop, amnon.owed. both your solutions do the job. Since I was looking for a GPU solution to avoid using loadPixels, I came up with the following shader which does what I need to the...
View Articleanimation pausing
I'm new to processing and doing an assignment.The assignment asks that when you click a mouse an ellipse is drawn at a point between the previous ellipse and the mouse pointer and that the new ellipse...
View ArticleRe : animation pausing
class Blip{ float x, y; int redness; Blip(float x, float y){ this.x=x; this.y=y; redness=0; } void draw(){ if( redness < 256 ) redness+=5; fill(redness, 0, 0);...
View ArticleProcessing libraries
Could someone tell me a little more about the libraries we have to use in order to have the processing sketch running outside of the sketchbook? Or where can I read what each of them does? core.jar,...
View Articledxt texture ?
hello all, just a little topic to get some advices…I develop under processing/android. So a lot of memory restrictions…I was wondering if processing in general could load DXT textures into opengl ? If...
View Articlegesture control interface
Hello everyone;currently I'm making a gestural interface & for that I'm feeding a data from the Arduino serially to the processing & making a blob for the tracking purpose. I need the mouse...
View Articlesimple mix shader which does nothing………
hello, I just try to do a simple mix-shader: multiply the texture by an amount to make some fades.but nothing's my glsl code: #ifdef GL_ESprecision mediump float;precision...
View ArticleRe : simple mix shader which does nothing………
Have you triedshade.set( "amount" , map( mouseX , 0 , 1200 , 0 , 1. ) );inside your draw function.
View ArticleRe : simple mix shader which does nothing………
oups……thank you ! and sorry for the noise ;)
View ArticlePlaying many movies at once
I would like to play many videos at once (10+). I'm currently creating a list of Movie objects and looping them, then mapping as textures to quads -- but this brings my sketch application to a crawl....
View ArticleRe : Playing many movies at once
Hi drlandy,This should, conceptually, work. it depends on a lot of factors:size and compression of your videosquality and speed of your graphics card, cpu and ramversion of processingusage of...
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